Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Platform One - 11th January

It feels too early in the year to start on any kind of promotional drive for forthcoming gigs, but this one is on 11th January, dangerously close to the birth of the bonny baby 2014, and I've got to start pushing it sometime.

I'll be appearing with Cheryl McLennan, and I will also say that I'm really glad to have been given a gig at Platform One, one of the most relaxed and intimate nights on the London poetry circuit.  It's a tremendously friendly and easy-going evening with a very varied tone - just the way I like my poetry nights.

The Facebook invite is here - I do hope you can make it along.  Let's get 2014 off to an interesting start. 


  1. Sorry I missed that , just realized it was on how did it go ?

  2. Yes, great! Nice evening, nice atmosphere, and the new material didn't go down too badly. How are you doing?
